Sep 24, 2019
On this episode we interview Bonnie from the talk show The Ask Bon Bon Show and discuss the power of video and why you need to implement it in your business. Video gives a presence of authority and expertise. One way to grow and bulletproof your business is to become the expert. By being the authority in your industry...
Sep 17, 2019
As business owners one challenge we face is being a leader instead of a boss. People love working for a leader but hate working for a boss. In this episode we interview Chanie Wilschanski and discuss 3 things to help you be more of a leader and less of a boss. You will learn:
Sep 10, 2019
When starting your company most of us don't have a lot of money so we piece together free or cheap programs to get it up and running. As we grow we have more money and our needs change. It can be hard to change programs but we need them to do more. Wouldn't it be nice if there was a program that would grow with us....
Sep 3, 2019
One problem business owners have is finding time to work "on" the business instead of "in" the business. For years we faced this same issue until we figured out one trick that changed everything for us! No its not getting into work early or staying at the office late. This allowed us to hyper focus...