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SoTellUs Time helps entrepreneurs outsmart, out market, and outperform the Goliath in their industry. It’s the old biblical story of David versus Goliath, everybody has that competitor that they're looking at saying "how did they grow so fast or get so big and how can I ever compete with them?" Follow Us On:

Feb 23, 2021

On today's business 101 show we discuss how to deal with negative feedback. No business is immune to upset customers and making mistakes. How you respond or don't respond will make all the difference! Let's discuss some business 101...

Feb 16, 2021

2021 is flying by. Hopefully you set your business goals before the year started. How are you doing? A sixth of the year has already gone by, so are you on track? On today's business basics show we discuss three questions you need to ask yourself:

Where are you currently?

Where do you want to go?

How are you going to...

Feb 9, 2021

There is a funny phenomenon in business, when you push them away they try harder to be a client! Today on our business 101 show we will discuss "Confidence Closes!". We have spent 20 years building companies and in the beginning we took every client that came our way. We learned, not everyone is a good fit and no amount...

Feb 2, 2021

On today's episode of SoTellUs Time we discuss loyalty and how it can literally save your business! We share what recently happened to us and how having loyal customers allowed us to quickly cut out the cancer. You need loyalty with your employees and your customers. When looking at my business I always ask myself...