Dec 31, 2019
It's time to stop selling and start helping! Your best marketing is the problem you solve, however companies focus on the services they sell instead of the problems they solve. Your best marketing is how you help your clients. Today we discuss the following:
Dec 24, 2019
The holidays are a great time to be surrounded by family and friends. However, there are plenty of people that find the holidays are very lonely. Just like those people, it can be very lonely to be an entrepreneur. In this episode we are talking about how to not feel alone in your business and how to create circles of...
Dec 17, 2019
As you are planning to dominate next year, hopefully your solution to growth is not….”I am going to work even harder!!!!!” Guess what, hard work isn’t enough!!! Today we are going to discuss planning out strategic partnerships that are going to grow your business. We will talk about the following:
Dec 10, 2019
Continuing with our theme of "Finish Strong and Get Ready!" This week we discuss "organization". We share with you how we stared and our road to being organized and growing to 7 figures. We talk about the programs and systems we used at different stages in our business and which ones worked really well! Listen in and...
Dec 3, 2019
The definition of Insanity is doing the same thing and expecting a different result. As we enter the last month of the year it is time to start preparing for next year’s marketing. Today we will discuss the 4 things you need to do this month to prepare for next year’s marketing.