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SoTellUs Time helps entrepreneurs outsmart, out market, and outperform the Goliath in their industry. It’s the old biblical story of David versus Goliath, everybody has that competitor that they're looking at saying "how did they grow so fast or get so big and how can I ever compete with them?" Follow Us On:

Mar 19, 2024

Welcome to "Through Their Eyes: Viewing Your Business from the Customer's Perspective," a deep dive into the heart of what makes businesses succeed or fail in today's market: the customer experience (CX). Often, there's a gap between what business owners believe their customer experience to be and the reality from the customer's viewpoint. This discrepancy can emerge from numerous factors such as the natural growth and evolution of the business, changes in operational processes, or the addition of new services and resources.

Understanding Customer Experience (CX) The concept of customer experience stands as a beacon in the competitive marketplace, guiding businesses towards sustainable success. In this video, we unfold the layers of customer experience, starting with a clear definition that sets the foundation for further exploration. Understanding CX is not just about recognizing its importance but also about comprehending its dynamic nature — how it has evolved alongside technological advancements and shifting consumer expectations.

As we delve deeper, we discuss the evolution of customer expectations, highlighting how the digital age has transformed the way customers interact with businesses. This transformation demands that companies not only meet but exceed these evolving expectations to stand out. Understanding the customer journey is crucial in this context. It's about mapping out every touchpoint a customer has with your business, from initial awareness through to post-purchase interactions, and ensuring each step is optimized for satisfaction and engagement.

Final Thoughts Emphasizing the significance of experiencing the customer journey firsthand, we share insights into how this practice can illuminate the strengths and weaknesses of your current customer experience strategy. Knowing and experiencing the customer journey yourself equips you with the knowledge to make impactful changes. It's a critical step in aligning your business's perception of customer experience with the actual customer perspective, ensuring that what you intend to deliver is what your customers truly receive.

Homework The real test comes from putting yourself in your customer's shoes. We encourage you to go through the entire process your customers experience — opt-in, sign up, or call in, and observe every interaction from their point of view. To get the most authentic insight, consider experiencing this process incognito, without your staff knowing they're serving you. This exercise is not just about uncovering flaws but about discovering opportunities to enhance every aspect of the customer experience your business offers.

"Through Their Eyes: Viewing Your Business from the Customer's Perspective" is more than just a guide; it's a transformative journey that beckons business owners to step back and reassess their approach to customer experience. By truly understanding and aligning with the customer journey, businesses can refine their operations, improve customer satisfaction, and foster loyalty that transcends the ordinary.

Join us on this journey to mastering customer experience. Subscribe for more insights, and let us embark on transforming our businesses through the eyes of those who matter most — our customers.