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SoTellUs Time helps entrepreneurs outsmart, out market, and outperform the Goliath in their industry. It’s the old biblical story of David versus Goliath, everybody has that competitor that they're looking at saying "how did they grow so fast or get so big and how can I ever compete with them?" Follow Us On:

May 24, 2022

Every business owner wants their customers to be loyal and stay with them forever but we need to understand that we need to be loyal to our customers as well.

In today’s economy we are seeing prices for everything skyrocket. 

    • Cars - $5,000 economic fee
    • Houses - In AZ, offering $20K over asking and not getting a house
    • Food - You can’t get lunch for less than $10 today
    • GAS!!!!

It seems like everyone is raising their prices and you may be thinking that you should do the same but you should really look at your business and your numbers before you make that decision.